PNoy Addresses Climate Change In UN Summit

Philippine President PNoy, told  world leaders  present in the United Nations Climate Change Summit in New york. Last Tuesday to take action on the climate change.

“Aquino said, All of us has to act everything  to address climate change  without  waiting the neighboring  country to engage first?

Aquino noted that the Philippines bore a disproportionately has  larger problems when once it comes to global climate change.

Aquino said that Philippines wanted to boobst its efforts to fighting  global climate change.

"We havent  lacked resolve as an example as regards transitioning towards less older sources of energy. What we have dont have is that the access to technology, funding and investment which will permit us to upgarde our strategy. i think the challenge to us is to initiate on ways in which during which transfer of helpful technology in building climate good infrastructure may be achieved below a world unity of effort,"

a national network of civil society organizations performing on numerous climate and development-related problems – claimed President Aquino's statements throughout his speech at the international organization climate summit were "misleading."

Denise Fontanilla, AKPs official, said Aquino "Aquino is misleading other countries by saying they are already addressing climate change.

Fontanilla cited what she claimed as lackluster implementation of the renewable energy act, claiming that Aquino even ridiculed star and wind energy advocates in last year's State of the state Address.

"To say that 'we have not lacked resolve' in shifting to renewable energy may be a blatant lie," Fontanilla aforementioned.

The Philippines was hit last year by super storm Yolanda that killed six,100 people. Some 200,000 families were additionally displaced by the storm, one in all the strongest ever recorded in history.

The Climate Summit is supposed to feature political momentum to a international organisation method to negotiate a climate-change agreement in Paris by 2015.


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